20 Natural Ways to increase Breast Size at Home

Breast is a sign of Natural Femininity in Females. Bigger, fuller and firmer breasts not only play an important to enhance their femininity but also give them and attractive and charming figure. Unfortunately some physical, nutritional and emotional factors suppress the growth of breast cells and deprive of many woman from having a perfect breast size. Some common causes for small breast are given below:

Causes of Small Breast

  • Energy blockage (wearing tight undergarments)
  • Emotional problems (stress or depression)
  • Hormonal imbalance during puberty (High level of Testosterone and low Estrogen)
  • Genetics (inherit smaller breast genes )
  • Drugs Side effects (weight loss pills etc)
  • Poor Fat Content
  • Poor diet

Women with small breast must not assume that breast size do not increase once you cross 20. A woman's body is always under some continuous changes and evolution. Beauty and figure Conscious women often spend a lot of money of commercial products including breast enhancing pills and creams but usually don't get the desired results. Although breast augmentation can increase their size according to their desired wish but it is quite expensive and contains many health risks.
However, here we have some best natural tips, foods and exercises which can help to increase your breast size even within small budget.

20 Natural Tips and Remedies to increase Breast Size

1. Breast Massage

When we talk about natural remedies to enhance breast size, Breast massage is at the top of the list because it increase the blood flow and stimulate the growth of suppressed breast cells and give quick results. Gently massage your breast in circular motion by using a natural oil. Almond oil, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Olive oil, Sesame oil, Vitamin E and Wheat Germ oil are considered very effective to increase breast size. Always massage in gentle circular motions and avoid harsh massage because harsh massage can loose the breast tissues and may decrease the natural firmness of breast.

2. Honey and Olive Oil Massage

A combination of warm honey and olive oil has been shown excellent results in improving breast size.  For breast massage prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil. Mix them well and heat the mixture in Oven until it becomes lukewarm. Massage your breast with this mixture twice a day.

3. Breast Enhancement Natural Lotion

You can make your own breast enhancement lotion by mixing 1 tablespoon onion juice, half teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon warm honey. Apply this lotion on your breast and massage for 5-10 minutes and then wear your regular bra. This lotion not only helps in breast enhancement but also useful to prevent breast from sagging.

4. Sesame Seeds and Oil

Sesame Seeds(Til or Gingelly) are very effective in firming and enlarging the breast size. These tiny seeds, high in phytoestrogens, boost estrogen levels in your body and may help to enhance your breast size. This seed is made up of calcium, protein, iron and phosphorus and should be included in one’s daily diet. The oil of sesame seeds also can be used for breast massage.

5. Fenugreek(methi)

Fenugreek(methi) is considered very effective to increase Breast size. Fenugreek help to increase breast size by mimicking the effects of estrogen and by stimulating the production of prolactin. Both of these hormones are vital for Breast development. Fenugreek safely and naturally stimulates tissue growth resulting in bigger, firmer, and fuller breasts.

6. Fennel (Sunf)

Fennel(Sunf) is an estrogenic herb that help to increase breast size. Estrogen is a sex hormone which plays an important role in growth and development of breast. Try to include fennel or fennel seeds (about 1 teaspoon) in your diet but avoid too much intake.

7. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Fruits

Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that have an estrogen-like effect in the body. Phytoestrogens imitate estrogen because their chemical structure is very similar to estrogen.
When phytoestrogens enter the body, the body’s estrogen receptors treat them as if they were estrogen.The phytoestrogens in foods may help support estrogen’s natural functions. A list of Phytoestrogen rich fruits is given below:

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Dates
  • Red Grapes
  • Papaya
  • Plums
  • Peach
  • Pomegranates
  • Strawberries

All above fruits not only improve the function of estrogen but may also help to enhance breast size.

8. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Vegetables

Some vegetables are rich sources of Phytoestrogen. Daily consumption of these vegetables may help to increase your breast size. Here is a list of Phytoestrogen rich vegetables:

  • Beetroot
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • Licorice
  • Potatoes

9. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Grains

Some grains are rich sources of Phytoestrogen. Making them a part of your daily diet plan may help to increase your breast size. A List of Phytoestrogen rich grains is given below:

  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Rice
  • Wheat

10. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Seeds

Some seeds are a great source of Phytoestrogens. Adding them in your daily diet plan may help to enhance your breast size. A list of Phytoestrogen rich seeds is given below:

  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

11. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Nuts

Some Nuts are a great source of phytoestrogens. Incorporating them in your daily diet plan may help to enhance your breast size. A list of phytoestrogen rich Nuts is given below :

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts

12. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are potent sources of phytoestrogens. Adding them in your diet may help to increase your breast size. Phytoestrogen rich sources of dried fruits are given below:

  • Dried Apricots
  • Dried Dates
  • Dried Figs
  • Prunes

13. Phytoestrogen (Dietary Estrogen) Rich Legumes

Some legumes are good sources of Phytoestrogens and may help to enhance your breast size.     
A list of legumes rich in Phytoestrogen is given below:

  • Soybeans
  • Chickpeas
  • Black-Eyed Peas
  • Mung beans
  • Lima beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils

14. Chicken

Chicken is also considered very effective to enhance breast size because chickens are fed with growth hormones and theses hormones may help to enhance breast size. You can eat chicken a couple of times a week.

15. Milk and Eggs

Milk and eggs can also help to increase your breast size because both contain a good amount of Estrogen hormone. Estrogen is important for women’s sexual and reproductive development. It also plays an important role in breast enhancement.

16. Banana Milkshake

Banana milk shake is also considered very effective to enhance breast size in thin and underweight female. Banana milkshake helps to gain weight. Gaining some weight may help to increase your breast size. Daily consume 1 glass of Banana milkshake and feel the difference within few days.

17. Cherries and Strawberries

Fresh cherries and strawberries are also considered helpful to increase breast size because they are good sources of Phytoestrogens which mimics the functions of estrogen hormone. Estrogen is a female sex hormone which is responsible for the growth and development of breast. It helps women in attaining a perfect curve for their bodies by enhancing their breast size. Daily serving of only 1 cup of cherries or strawberries may give you positive improvement within few days.

18. Papaya

Papaya fruit is also considered very helpful to enhance your breast size. This is due to Phytoestrogens (Dietary Estrogen) which have Estrogen-like effects and may help to increase Estrogen levels in your body. Estrogen is necessary for breast growth and development.
In addition, Papaya is a great source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber, folate and several B vitamins. These nutrients contribute to overall health and well-being.

(Don't use papaya if your are pregnant. It can trigger uterine contractions, potentially leading to miscarriage.)

19. Smoothie Recipe for Breast Enhancement

Take 4-5 strawberries(washed and stem removed), 1 cup of grapefruit juice, 1 orange(peeled and sliced), 1/2 cucumber(peeled and sliced), 1 kiwi fruit(skin removed and sliced) half a cup of yogurt( plain and low fat) and half tablespoon of flaxseed powder. Mix them well in a grinder and drink this on daily basis. Nutrients rich contents of this smoothie may help to enhance your breast size.

20. Breast Enhancement Exercise

Breast enhancement exercises also help a lot in increasing breast size because they work on your pectoral muscles, which are just beneath your breasts and result in bigger, fuller and firmer breasts. Some best breast enhancement exercises with instructions are given below:

(i) Wall-Push Ups

Wall-Push Ups exercise is highly effective to enhance your breast size. It is similar to push-ups, the only difference being that you have to use a wall to push against instead of the floor.

  • Place yourself two feet away from a wall.
  • The gap between your feet should be equal to your shoulder width.
  • Lay your palms flat on the wall and bend your arms.
  • Lean forward till your nose touches the wall.
  • Hold that position for around 8-10 seconds and then repeat 10 times.
  • Now rest for few seconds and again repeat this 10 times.
  • For best results repeat this 30 times in 3 sets, 10 reps in each set.

(ii) Floor- Push Ups

To perform floor push-up you need to follow the given instruction:

  • First you have to be on your toes and palms.
  • Now go low by bending your arms to the maximum extent.
  • Then, straighten your arms to push your body back up.
  • Repeat this exercises 30 times in 3 sets, 10 reps in each set

(iii) Rotation Push-Ups

Rotation Push-Ups are a modified version of the standard push-ups.To perform rotation push ups you need to follow the given instructions:

  • First you have to be on your toes and palms, with your body straight.
  • Your arms should ideally be a shoulder-width apart but you can place them wider.
  • Go low by bending your arms to the maximum extent.
  • Then, straighten your arms to push your body back up.
  • After this, raise your left arm followed by rotating your chest towards the left.
  • Now get back to normal position and follow the same technique for working on your right breast.
  • Repeat this exercise in 3 sets, 10 reps in each set.

(iv) Dumbbell Flys

To perform this exercise at home, you will need a pair of dumbbells and then follow the given instructions:

  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and lay down on the exercise bench.
  • Stretch your arms out so they are at level with your shoulders and are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly lift the dumbbells over you, bringing them close enough to touch.
  • Lower your arms back to their original position.
  • For best results, it is important that your arms are straight throughout the exercise except for a slight flex around the elbow.
  • Repeat this 30 times in 3 sets, 10 reps in each set.

Some Preventive Measures and Important Tips:

  • (i) Avoid the use of weight loss pills because they may shrink breast size.
  • (ii) Avoid wearing tight undergarments because they suppress the growth of breast cells. Always wear a properly fitting bra.
  • (iii) Every Person has a different genetic makeup, so some natural remedies may work for some and for others they may not.
  • (iv) If you don't get the desired results even after following above remedies, you can consult your problem with a healthcare professional for proper Breast Diagnosis and Enhancement.