8 Natural Homemade Best Body Scrubs

Body Scrubs not only remove dirt particles but also remove the layer of dead skin cells and give you soft, smooth and glowing skin. For Body scrubbing you don`t need to go beauty parlor even don`t need to spend a lot of money on buying expensive commercial scrubs because now you can scrub your body at home simply by following some natural tips which are given below:

8 Homemade Best Body Scrubs

1. Orange Juice and Cornmeal Scrub

Take fresh juice of half Orange and add 4-5 tablespoons Cornmeal. Mix them well to form thick paste. Now apply this paste on your face, neck and rest of body parts.Gently rub for 2-3 minutes and let it stay on your body for 5-10 minutes then rinse off with water and Pat dry your skin. According to your need you can increase the quantity of ingredients.

2. Cornmeal, Buttermilk and Virgin Oil

Take 3 tablespoons Cornmeal,1 tablespoon Buttermilk, 1 tablespoon Extra virgin Olive Oil.Mix them well to form a thick paste and gently scrub on your body for 2-3 minutes then rinse off with water and pat dry your skin.

3. Almonds, Honey, Flour and Milk

Take 1 tablespoon finely ground Almonds,1 tablespoon dark organic Honey,1 teaspoon Flour, 1-2 tablespoons Milk. Mix them well to form thick paste. Apply this on your body including your neck and gently massage in circular movements for 2-3 minutes to remove the layer of dead skin cells. Let it stay on your body for 5-10 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin. Finally tone and moisturize your skin.

4. Oatmeal, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar and Almonds

Take 1/2 cup Oatmeal,1 tablespoon dark organic Honey,1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon finely ground Almonds. Mix all the ingredients to form a thick paste and apply this paste on your body. Now massage in circular movements for exfoliation. Let the mixture stay on your body for few minutes and when the mixture dry rinse it off with lukewarm water and splash with cold water and then pat dry your skin with help of soft and clean towel.

5. Brown Sugar, Honey and Olive Oil

Take 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4cup of honey and Add 3-4 drops olive oil. Now combine all these ingredients and apply this mixture on your body. Massage in circular movements and pay some extra attention on areas that tend to get dry like elbows,knees and heels. Let the mixture stay on your skin for few minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water and then splash with cold water and finally pat dry your skin.

6. Banana, granulated Sugar and Brown Sugar

Take One ripe banana, 1/4 cup granulated sugar and 1/4 cup dark brown sugar. First mix two sugars in a bowel then mash banana and mix all ingredients to make a thick mixture. Now gently rub this scrub on your body for 2-3 minutes to exfoliate the layer of dead skin cells. Let it stay on your skin for few minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water then with cold water to close skin pores.

7. Honey and White Sugar

you can make a scrub by honey and white sugar granules.This scrub can be used to exfoliate and moisturize entire body. Take 1 cup of white granular sugar and half cup of honey. Mix them well then gently rub on entire body including your neck area. After few minutes rinse off with lukewarm water then splash with cold water to close skin pores.

8. Brown Sugar, Virgin Olive Oil and Aloe Vera Gel

Take 1/4 cup brown Sugar, 1 tablespoon extra virgin Olive oil and 1 tablespoon Aloe vera gel. Mix them all to make a thick paste. Now apply this on your body including your face and neck. Gently rub in circular movements to exfoliate. Let it stay for 10-15 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. Splash with cold water to close skin pores and finally pat dry your skin with clean and soft towel.

Some Precautions and Useful Tips

  • (i)Never scrub on acne, burned,damaged, wounded or irritating skin.
  • (ii)If you are allergic to some natural ingredients then avoid such scrubs which contain any of the ingredient which may create itching or allergic effects in your skin.
  • (iii)Before applying any scrub first take a small Patch Test on little area of your skin and wait for 10 to 15 minutes if it creates itching or allergic effect then immediately remove it and rinse off with cold water.
  • (iv)Before applying any kind of scrub First clean your body with fresh water and remove all cosmetics, creams, lotions even everything. For this purpose use a non abrasive and good quality beauty soap. After washing your face, pat dry your skin.
  • (v)Before Body Scrub It is much better to take a hot shower or a steam bath to clean and open up your skin pores.
  • (vi)Place a small amount of the scrub on your fingers then massage your body in circular motion.You can also put the scrub on a cosmetic pad then gently rub the pad across your skin but avoid too much harsh strokes.If you have Sensitive body skin then You do not have to be too hard on your skin because your skin simply needs a gentle massage and regular circulation motion. After using the scrub gently rinse off with lukewarm water then wash your body with cold water to close skin pores and gently pat dry your skin with soft and clean towel.
  • (vii)Finally apply a good moisturizer and massage slowly with circular movements on face and body and upward strokes on neck area. This will boost blood circulation resulting in a fairer and brighter complexion.