7 Natural Beauty Tips to Lighten Dark Buttocks (Bum)

 Dark buttocks or black bum is a common skin problem that may occur in people of all ages. Whether you are a teenager(boy/girl), young(man/woman) or an older person you may also suffer from this problem because skin on your buttocks is usually thick and rough as compared to other body parts but if you don't give it proper attention and even neglect this during bathing, it gradually turns dark. Let's have a look on some common causes behind darkening of buttocks:

Common Causes For Dark Buttocks

  • (i) Accumulation of dirt, dust, dead and dark skin cells
  • (ii) Lack of Skin Cleansing
  • (iii) Lack of Skin Exfoliation
  • (iv) Hyperpigmentation (Excessive production of skin darkening pigment Melanin on specific areas)
  • (v) Hormonal Fluctuations
  • (vi) Post Acne Scars
  • (vii) Lack of Skin Moisture and Dryness
  • (viii) Skin Friction against tight garments
  • (ix) Sitting Pressure on Skin or Sitting down on same hard place for many hours
  • (x) Poor Hygiene

Dark and uneven skin tone not only cause a feeling of embarrassment but also lowers your self esteem. However you can get rid of dark buttock by following some natural home remedies which are given below:

7 Natural Beauty Tips to Lighten Dark Buttocks

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which helps in reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation by inhibiting melanin production. Citric Acid of lemon juice has exfoliating properties that can help remove dead skin cells and brighten the complexion. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and cleanse your buttock skin. You can use lemon to lighten your dark buttocks by following given instructions.

  • (i) Take half lemon and rub on dark buttock areas for 2-3 minutes in circular movements.
  • (ii) Leave the skin for 10-15. When lemon juice dries up, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • (iii) After cleansing don't forget to apply a good moisturizer. If you don't have a good moisturizer you can simply massage your skin with olive oil.
  • (iv) For best results, repeat this 2-3 times per week to avoid over-exfoliation, which can potentially lead to dryness or sensitivity. Over-exfoliation may also cause skin irritation or discomfort.
2. Lemon and Honey

Natural skin bleaching, brightening and exfoliating properties of lemon juice are very beneficial in lightening the dark pigmentation on buttocks. Honey is a natural humectant, which means it helps retain moisture in the skin, preventing dryness.To lighten dark buttocks, use lemon and honey according to given instructions:

  • (i) Take 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • (ii) Combine the lemon juice and honey in a small bowl until well blended.
  • (iii) Apply this paste of your clean dark buttocks.
  • (iv) Allow it to sit for about 15-20 minutes. This gives the ingredients time to work on the skin.
  • (v) Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • (vi) Follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
  • (vii) Applying a lemon and honey mask 2-3 times a week is generally effective and safe.

3. Turmeric

Natural skin bleaching and antioxidant properties of turmeric are very helpful to get rid of dark buttocks. You can enhance the skin lightening effect of turmeric by adding some sandalwood powder and honey according to given instructions.

  • (i) Take 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder,1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • (ii) Combine these ingredients in a small bowl until you achieve a smooth paste. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a few drops of milk or rose water to reach your desired consistency.
  • (iii) Apply the mixture on the affected areas.
  • (iv) Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes.
  • (v) Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin.
  • (vi) Apply a moisturizer after rinsing to lock in hydration.
  • (vii) Use this mixture 2-3 times a week for the best results.

4. Oatmeal, Yogurt and Lemon Juice

Buttocks skin exfoliation at least once per week is essential to remove dark and dead skin cells. When we talk about gentle skin exfoliation then oatmeal comes at the top of the list. To lighten your dark buttocks you can make oatmeal scrub according to given instructions.

  • (i) Make a thick paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • (ii) Apply this paste on the dark and uneven skin tone of your buttocks.
  • (ii) Massage for 2-3 minutes and leave for 15-30 minutes.
  • (iii) When this paste dries up rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • (iv) Repeat this twice per week and see the difference within one month.

5. Orange Peel Powder and Yogurt

Orange peel powder can act as a natural exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and promote a brighter complexion.Rich in Vitamin C, orange peel can help to reduce pigmentation and improve skin tone. Yogurt provides hydration and helps to keep the skin soft. Lactic acid in yogurt, exfoliates gently, which can help fade dark spots and smooth the skin. To lighten dark buttocks by using orange peel powder and yogurt you need to follow the given instructions :

  • (i) Take 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder and 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.
  • (ii) Combine the orange peel powder and yogurt in a small bowl until you get a smooth paste.
  • (iii) Apply the mixture evenly to your dark areas.
  • (iv) Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • (v) Wash off with lukewarm water, gently massaging in circular motions to help exfoliation.
  • (vi) Follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
  • (vii) Apply this mixture 2-3 times a week for best results.

6. White Cane Sugar, Avocado Oil and Aloe vera gel

A natural Homemade scrub made from white sugar cane, avocado oil and aloe vera is also very helpful in lightening the dark complexion on buttocks. You can make this scrub at home simply by following given instructions.

  • (i) Take 1 tablespoon of White Cane Sugar, 1 tablespoon of Avocado Oil and half tablespoon of Aloe vera Or Vitamin E Oil.
  • (ii) Mix them well and apply on buttock dark areas.
  • (iii) Gently scrub for 2-3 minutes and massage in circular motions.
  • (iv) Leave this mixture for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • (v) Finally pat dry your skin and apply a good moisturizer.

7. Sugar, Olive Oil and Aloe vera gel

Another amazing scrub for buttock skin lightening is a mixture of sugar, olive oil and aloe vera gel. To prepare this scrub at home you need to follow the given instructions.

  • (i) Take 2 tablespoons of white or brown Sugar, 1 tablespoon extra virgin Olive oil and 1 tablespoon Aloe vera gel.
  • (ii) Mix them all to make a thick paste.
  • (iii) Now apply this mixture on dark areas and gently rub for 2-3 minutes in circular movements to exfoliate the dark skin.
  • (iv) Let it stay for 10-15 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • (iv) Repeat this twice per week and see the difference within 1 month.

Some Preventive Measures and Useful Tips for Dark Buttocks

  • (i)If you have Acne on your buttocks, First Cure Acne and then go with above remedies to lighten your buttock complexion.
  • (ii)Avoid tight synthetic undergarments because they cause sweating and friction. Use cotton underwears and let breathe your buttocks skin.
  • (iii)Don't sit on  same place for longer time. After some hours try to walk for a while to increase blood circulations in buttocks area.
  • (iv)While taking a bath never neglect your buttock and just like other body parts properly clean your buttock.
  • (v)If you don't get rid of dark patches on buttocks by using above remedies then you must consult your problem with skin specialist.
  • (vi)Sometimes darkening of buttocks is caused by skin infection in that case first you must consult your problem with Dermatologist/Doctor.
  • (vii)If dark areas on buttocks rapidly increase in size and also associate with pain then you must consult your problem with Doctor.